We will begin the day with a traditional welcome, smudge and blessing of all materials, tools and the rattles. I will share the history and story of the rattle and be your guide, instructing how to create your rattle step by step. Drinks will be provided. Please bring your own snacks.
Payment: Cost for making rattles is $50. Limit 12 people. If you would like to join, please email Heather Walize at by July 9, 2023.
Provided Materials:
Rawhide – Deer
Sinew – For Stitching
Sand – For filling and shaping Rattles.
Sticks – pre-cut
Corn Seeds, Bean Seeds, Stones & Sea Shells – Internal Sound & Percussion
*You are welcome to bring your own sticks, stones, seeds, ribbons, leather or additional items of significance to personalize and decorate your rattle.